Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably noticed lately that people are “Cookoo for Coconuts”! This is for good reason! Coconuts are an extremely nutrient dense and super versatile food! I won’t bore you to death right now with all the wonderful uses and benefits of coconuts and coconut…
5 Reasons Why Diatomaceous Earth is My New Favorite Thing!
Lately, almost every time someone asks me about a health related or even non health related issue, I’m recommending the same thing. Diatomaceous Earth! I guess that’s a sign that I should write about it so I can get it off my mind and move onto my next new obsession.…
Could Histamine Intolerance be at the Root of Your Gut Problems?
What’s the connection between Histamine and your Gut? It’s not always just…Achoooo! A little over a year ago I had some tests run which showed my inflammatory markers off the charts. To give you an idea, the normal range on one score was somewhere between like 80 and 200.…
More Powerful Than Yogurt…Kefir!!
What’s Kefir??? Kefir (Ka-feer) is a cultured milk beverage similar to yogurt which is made by fermenting milk using cultures called grains or SCOBY’s (Symbiotic Cultures Of Bacteria & Yeast). These cultures are bound together in little globs of proteins, fats and sugars which kind of look like cottage cheese or cauliflower. You can also purchase…
Digestion Part 3: The Leaky Tummy
Has Your Gut Sprung a Leak??? A couple years ago if you walked into your doctor’s office and said “I think I have a Leaky Gut”. You would probably walk out of that visit with a prescription for an antipsychotic drug. These days “Leaky Gut” is a buzzword!! You see…
Double Chocolate Gluten Free Oat Flour Cookies
A dream come true for the Gluten Sensitive Chocolate Lover! If you’re gonna be bad….do it “Well”! These Bad Boys were so delicious that I had to guard them with my butcher knife! Seriously… No sneaky fingers were safe in my kitchen!! AND they were actually pretty healthy too!!…
Happy Gut Bugs…Happy Tummy!
Did you know that the number of human cells in our bodies may be as much as a fraction of the number of bacterial cells?? Depending on who you listen to, some claim that bacterial cells outnumber human cells ten to one! Whereas others claim there is a much smaller…
Belly Healing, Beauty Boosting, Bone Broth!
As I mentioned before, this could not be an official blog about Tummies without a recipe for Bone Broth! What’s the first thing your mom and your grandma did when you got sick? Make a big pot of Chicken soup! Well, there is a reason behind that. Bone broth…
Real Food for a Happy Tummy!
What DO I Eat?? So now you’ve made the decision to improve your health and to start eating better. What does that really mean? Just like digestion starts in the brain so does every decision and every action you make. The first thing you want to do is…
Soupa Easy Zuppa Toscano
This is one of my favorite things in the whole world! I discovered this soup at Olive Garden many years ago and it was love at first slurp! So I went on a mission to figure out how to make this deliciousness myself. Turns out it’s ridiculously easy! This…